Ever since the 1990s, Florence and Daniel Guerlain's interest has been focused on contemporary drawing, and the two have by now accumulated an extensive collection of works by internationally known artists. They are also the initiators and sponsors of the Prix de dessin, which is conferred annually by a jury.
2013 saw this couple donate part of their collection (totaling 1,200 drawings) to the Centre Pompidou in Paris. And now, as the first Central European museum to do so, the Albertina Museum is providing a glimpse into the Guerlains? activities as collectors by showing a selection of highlights from these holdings.
Artists: Mark Dion, Marcel Dzama, Marcel van Eeden, Catharina van Eetvelde, Jana Gunstheimer, Erik van Lieshout, Robert Longo, David Nash, Cornelia Parker, Joyce Pensato, Chloe Piene, Pavel Pepperstein, Javier Pérez, Anne-Marie Schneider, Kiki Smith, Nedko Solakov, Renie Spoelstra, Aya Takano, Sandra Vásquez de la Horra, Jorinde Voigt
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Albertinaplatz 1
1010 Wien