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Hôtel des transmissions - Jusqu'à un certain point, Londres, 2007
Hôtel des transmissions - Jusqu'à un certain point, Londres, 2007

Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil
Hôtel des transmissions - Jusqu'à un certain point, Londres, 2007
Edition of 5 ex + 2 AP
l'artiste et Galerie In Situ / fabienne leclerc



    Mainstream media such as television cover international events by beaming images of them around the planet in real time. When there are wars to report, journalists generally congregate in hotels for safety reasons and send their images from there. This forced confinement in spots that are protected or spared by the belligerents suggests that in wartime these hotels become places of 'media extraterritoriality'. Hôtels des transmissions - jusqu'à un certain point [broadcast hotels - up to a point] reflects on this concept of 'media extratorritoriality' that has emerged during recent wars.


    It consists of a series of photographs taken in ten European capitals. Like a guide for mainstream journalists in the eventuality of wars breaking out in Europe, it presents an international hotel in each capital whose terrace offers a panoramic view of the city. The panoramic photographs of Hôtels des transmissions - jusqu'à un certain point show the views from these terraces, and indicate the directions in which the journalists could point their cameras in order to obtain the best images.



Catalogue Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil : "Include me Out",  MAC/VAL Museum Edition